La Regla 2 Minuto de junio maluma

La Regla 2 Minuto de junio maluma

Blog Article

The other photos and videos in the post show the singer dancing around with Paris in his hands to "Is This Love" by Bob Marley and The Wailers, the new parents getting some fresh air with their daughter, bouquets of flowers around their living room and several shots of them lounging around in their new común. 

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I spoke with Maluma about his impending fatherhood, how the thought of being a dad is inspiring him to be the artist he always wanted to be, dreams of acting, learning from Messi and more.

Los retos que enfrentan las pymes en el país se han convertido en una piedra en el zapato en el crecimiento financiero de los emprendedores. Con este sistema de finanaciación podría suceder una faro al final del tunel de la creación de empresa

Among our ranks are book authors and award-winning journalists. Our staff also works with freelance writers, researchers, and other contributors to produce the smart, maluma babay compelling profiles and articles you see on our site. To meet the team, visit our About Us page:

Andrea Serna lanzó contundente mensaje frente a situación que vive el país: “No podemos dejar esta conversación MALUMA KAROL G a la sombra”

Okay, people, I'll delete my translation and the comments, but only if all of you delete ALL you comments on this page!

To do all things Maluma. Check his Instagram, listen to maluma his music, post about him on my fan page, and wonder what he is doing this second

Qué hay de cierto en que nieto de Diomedes Díaz padece de autismo: esto dijo Lily Díaz, madre del pequeño

I just want to be me and enjoy the music that I really love doing. junio maluma If people want to listen to it, I’m very grateful.

“I promise to give you my best, always, and I hope this is the first of many. So thank you everybody,” she said before sharing a clip with Maluma talking about her reaction.

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“There is a new generation with a lot of talent, and I want all of them to know that dreams do come true Vencedor I am achieving mine,” he told Billboard. “The Art of Dreams is the perfect trampoline to help young people in Colombia who can’t afford to develop their dreams.”

Maluma es unidad de los personajes más poderosos de la plataforma, con maluma hawaii 27,4 millones de suscriptores y decenas de miles de millones de vistas en sus videos.

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